23 research outputs found

    Single Exponential Smoothing Method to Predict Sales Multiple Products

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    —Activity to predict sales multiple products intended for control of the number of existing stock, so the lack or excess stock can be minimized. When the number of sales can be accurately predicted, then the fulfilment of consumer demand can be cultivated in a timely and cooperation with suppliers maintained properly so that company can avoid losing sales and customers. This study aims to predict sales multiple products (6,877 products) using Single Exponential Smoothing (SES) approach, which is expected to improve the efficiency of the inventory system. Measurement accuracy of prediction in this study using a standard measurement Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), which is the most important criteria in analyzing the accuracy of the prediction. The results showed that the average of percentage prediction error of products using SES is high, because MAPE value obtained is 1.056% with a smoothing parameter α = 0.

    Remote Virtual the Data Storage

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    Almost all computer users know Windows Explorer. With the windows explorer, a user could do the operation file/directory, such as seeing the structure of the hierarchy from the directory, copied some files et cetera. In other words, a window explorer had file manager facilities. This research will discuss the development of the application of the data storage based on web that had file manager facilities (remote virtual the data storage) with the previleges. This research could be applied for the management of the lectures data in the class or in the computer laboratory of a institution

    Deteksi Serangan Denial of Service pada Internet of Things Menggunakan Finite-State Automata

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    Internet of things memiliki kemampuan untuk menghubungkan obyek pintar dan memungkinkan mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan dan peralatan komputasi cerdas lainnya melalui jaringan internet. Namun belakangan ini, keamanan jaringan internet of things mendapat ancaman akibat serangan cyber yang dapat menembus perangkat internet of things target dengan menggunakan berbagai serangan denial of service. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi dan mencegah serangan denial of service berupa synchronize flooding dan ping flooding pada jaringan internet of things dengan pendekatan finite-state automata. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan finite-state automata berhasil mendeteksi serangan synchronize flooding dan ping flooding pada jaringan internet of things, tetapi pencegahan serangan tidak secara signifikan mengurangi penggunaan prosesor dan memori. Serangan synchronize flooding menyebabkan delay saat mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan peralatan internet of things sedangkan serangan ping flooding menyebabkan error. Implementasi bash-iptables berhasil mengurangi serangan synchronize flooding dengan efisiensi waktu pencegahan sebesar 55,37% dan mengurangi serangan ping flooding sebesar 60% tetapi dengan waktu yang tidak signifikan

    DDoS Attacks Detection Method Using Feature Importance and Support Vector Machine

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    In this study, the author wants to prove the combination of feature importance and support vector machine relevant to detecting distributed denial-of-service attacks. A distributed denial-of-service attack is a very dangerous type of attack because it causes enormous losses to the victim server. The study begins with determining network traffic features, followed by collecting datasets. The author uses 1000 randomly selected network traffic datasets for the purposes of feature selection and modeling. In the next stage, feature importance is used to select relevant features as modeling inputs based on support vector machine algorithms. The modeling results were evaluated using a confusion matrix table. Based on the evaluation using the confusion matrix, the score for the recall is 93 percent, precision is 95 percent, and accuracy is 92 percent. The author also compares the proposed method to several other methods. The comparison results show the performance of the proposed method is at a fairly good level in detecting distributed denial-of-service attacks. We realized this result was influenced by many factors, so further studies are needed in the future

    The Toolkit of Success Rate Calculation of Broiler Harvest

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    Failed in the harvest should be avoided by the owners of broiler farms. Various ways are done to make the harvest successful and make a profit. Preparations made before the period of broiler development can be done optimally, with the hope that the harvest is successful. But the problem, on the field in fact not as smooth as had been planned at the beginning or before the development period. There is always a lack or inappropriate so that the harvest is not optimal or even harvest failure. Based on the background that has been described, we tried to create a toolkit that can be used to calculate success rate of the broiler harvest. With this toolkit, broiler farm owners are expected to have a guide and can make the right move in the period of broiler development. To calculate the success rate of broiler harvest, we used a model based on the performance index calculation. Toolkit that created running on local network environment using an Apache web server. The Toolkit uses JavaScript library to display the calculation results in the form of charts that are easier to understand. Based on the results of testing that has been done, this toolkit can perform calculations in a relatively short time. Can present the results of calculations with accurate information. The accuracy of success rate calculation toolkit reached 90%. It is obtained by comparing the performance index and the total weight of broiler that obtained when harvested


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    Palembang is the capital of South Sumatera province, Which has been well known of the great kingdom of sriwijaya. therefore this places been one of destination people tourism which full of the historical and culture heritage. In generally tourism has definition as a journey in which short stay are made at a number of places, and traveler finally return to his or her own place.A Tourism is supported by some elements such as accommodation, food objects and tourism objects. While many tourism object hard to get to access a lot of information about tourism that make the tourists confused to find because of the lack of information for traveling, therefor to overcome these problems the writer made an application to the tourism city of Palembang-based android that can help determine the existing tourist destinations around the users in town by using Euclidean Distance algorithm.The application is accessed through the support of mobile Google Map and Google API using GPS (Global Positioning System) which was built on the Android platform. In the system of the author will be built using the model Prototype. This method is the one of development of the system where the results of the analysis division applied directly into a model without having to wait for the completion of the entire system is analyzed. As well as the role of distance euclidean algorithm which can be used to calculate the distance between the object and the tourism and compare the results of the calculations of some object, so it can provide recommendations about the objects.Keywords: Algoritm, Android, EuclideanDistance,Touris

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Subsidi Biaya Perbaikan Kerusakan Kontainer Menggunakan Naive Bayes

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    During the process of using containers by the importer, the shipping company as the owner of the container is often faced with the problem of those who must be responsible for handling containers that are damaged when shipping goods. This study examines the application of the Naïve Bayes method to help the container owner to make a decision in analyzing each case of objection from the importer. The analysis was carried out for each objection case submitted by the importer regarding subsidizing the cost of repairs to be given a FREE or PAID decision by considering 4 factors, which are the damaging side, the damage, the type of damage, and the cost of repairs. From 48 datasets collected and analyzed, the decision has an accuracy rate of 63.3% in subsidizing of container repair costs.Selama proses penggunaan kontainer oleh pihak importir, pihak perusahaan pelayaran selaku pemilik kontainer sering dihadapkan dengan permasalahan pihak yang bertanggung jawab terkait penanganan kontainer yang rusak saat pengiriman barang. Penelitian ini mengkaji penerapan metode Naïve Bayes untuk membantu pihak pemilik kontainer untuk membuat keputusan dalam menganalisis setiap kasus keberatan dari importir. Analisis dilakukan untuk setiap kasus keberatan yang diajukan oleh importir mengenai subsidi biaya perbaikan untuk diberikan keputusan FREE atau PAID dengan mempertimbangkan 4 faktor, yaitu sisi kerusakan, perkaratan, tipe kerusakan, dan biaya perbaikan. Dari 48 dataset yang dikumpulkan dan dianalisis, keputusan yang dihasilkan mempunyai tingkat akurasi keberhasilan sebesar 63,3%


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    Puskesmas biasanya menyimpan obat-obatan di apotek sebelum diberikan/dijual kepada pasien. Penumpukan produk di apotek dapat mengurangi efisiensi apotek dan meningkatkan biaya yang terkait dengan persediaan, sehingga timbul permasalahan bagaimana memprediksi persediaan setiap obat dengan tepat agar dapat menghindari kelebihan/kekurangan persedian obat, serta bagaimana mempermudah proses pengelolaan persediaan obat di puskesmas. Oleh karena itu, pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan sistem manajemen persediaan obat di puskesmas, agar tingkat akurasi prediksi persediaan obat lebih meningkat sehingga layanan dan kemudahan pengelolaan persediaan obat di puskesmas menjadi lebih optimal. Adapun metode yang dipakai dalam mencapai tujuan ini terdiri dari pengumpulan data, yang meliputi data obat masuk dan data obat keluar setiap hari, digitalisasi data, pengolahan basis data, pembuatan aplikasi, implementasi sistem, dan pelatihan penggunaan sistem manajemen persediaan obat, dengan target puskesmas dapat menjamin tersedianya obat yang tepat jenis, tepat jumlah, tepat mutu dan tepat waktu, sehingga menjadikan puskesmas semakin baik dari segi pelayanan terhadap masyarakat dan semakin sehat dari segi finansial. Kata kunci : Manajemen, Prediksi, Persediaan, Obat, Puskesma